Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Modern technology is creating a single world culture.

Modern technology is creating a single world culture.
Topic: Do you agree with the following statement? Modern technology is creating a single world culture. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

Whether modern technology is creating a single world culture or not is a matter of some debate. While some people argue that technology has set many boundaries through out the world, others assert that technology is forming a culture that crosses previous boundaries and borders. Since various forms of media have allowed people of the world to become more familiar with each other as well as having the Internet facilitate communication around the globe, I believe that modern technology is in fact creating a single world culture.

First, technological advancements have created new forms of media and enable people to readily access information through out the world regarding every country on the planet. Previously, people around the world had very little knowledge of what was happening in other countries. The development of broadcast media such as the Internet helps users keep up with current events through out various countries. For example, a new ultra-mobile computer brought out in China may be advertised online and pique the interest of consumers in Canada. A previous lack of interest in such devices in Canada slowly begins to change, influenced by a popular cultural of another country. With such development of broadcast media, countries are blending products and customs creating a single world culture in the process.

Second, people are now able to freely communicate and exchange information through the Internet. While businesses had previously dealt only in domestic economies, the Internet allows business people to make contact with consumers and business people around the world with relative ease. Specifically, with e-commerce, the resulting increase in international business has people eager to learn about other cultures. Universities have expanded abroad with international campuses and also offer language training and exchange programs to benefit both their students and increase their revenue stream. Additionally, Internet based technology has allowed online users to readily meet people with common interests through websites such as Facebook or Cyworld. This free exchange of information is contributing towards a single world culture.

In summary, while there are some who do not agree that modern technology is creating a single world culture, I believe the opposite. People today live in a single world culture that is greatly influenced by the development of media such as the Internet. There has been an increasing amount of interaction between people of the world that is bound to continue as advancements occur in the future.
Source: http://www.eslstudyguide.com/essays/


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